This one is doing double duty. My client wanted to rebrand her website from sex therapy to coaching. We've been working together for a long time, so I have a better than average understanding of what's at stake and what's on offer.
Flipside of that though, is that I've seen how the sausage is made. I know a whole lot more than the audience, which can lead to over-complexifying things.
Richmond Institute of Sexual Empowerment:
Intimacy coaching and sex-positive education for individuals and partners
RISE to self empowerment
Because you deserve good sex—whatever it takes
Learn self advocacy and clear communication
Jumpstart your intimacy and recharge your love life
Recover, rekindle, rediscover, release
Finding sweet release: meditation and other masturbatory techniques
Understand each other better, get closer, grow together
Institute for sexual curiosity, support, and guidance
Because not everyone has problems—but everyone can grow with guidance
Guide to whatever rabbit hole you choose to explore
Warning: your sex life’s about to change
Stabilizing mental and sexual health since...wait what year is it?
Live the sex life you dream about
Get your mind out of the gutter...and into the sheets
Sex life after trauma? Absolutely
Don’t give up! Try this first
Recenter your sexuality and make satisfaction a reality
Begin your journey inward to a new sex-positive you
Therapy holds up a mirror...coaching opens a door
Nothing to lose—only your wildest fantasies to gain
This one was both inspirational and challenging. Some of them even made it onto the website. Some others may yet wind up on future pages.
Hence the GoogleDoc organization. Don't underestimate the power of revisiting old inspiration. Even if it's negative inspiration about what not to do.